Aviation Museum of Suspended Planes 2021
歷史造型自身的方式,可謂異質空間的飛行橫跨。當風景畫掛置在博物館(museum)或宮殿(palace)時,這些大量繪製空間外的圖像,實現出了一個不能直達,但能想像國土與邊界的地方(place)。現在,「航空展示館」在高雄岡山航空教育展示館,以影音進入存放退役軍機的展廳,動員位處異質時空的物件,場面調度(mise en scène)一個想像遊玩的地方。
The way history displays itself can be imagined as a flight across heterogeneous spaces. The “Aviation Exhibition Hall” project is to mobilize a flight scene at the museum, treating the space as a place for an imaginary play.
The Aviation Education Exhibition Hall at Gangshan, Kaohsiung inaugurated in 2015 offers exhibits from bird’s formal evolution to invention of aviation technology and the realized political activities geographically. The exhibited realistic objects like retired military aircrafts and contexts constitute a scene not at present but can be promptly activated via imagination. The enormous exhibition hall of aircrafts vs. microscopic perspectives as well as on-site sounds and viewing across disciplines of a variety: in the concourse, the military aircrafts and parts aided by the U.S and the diplomatic aircraft that symbolizes the front of free world during the Cold War, surrounded by contents of official documentaries on site; beyound the concourse, either the dossier of flight missions disclosed in recent years or the military monitoring area with aircraft control in place, together with the small birds traversing in and out at will and a crowd of visitors coming from different places in the exhibition hall, they are juxtposed at the moment, constituting not just a museum but also a geographical space of complicated layers.
Can this museum be visited directly through a flight? Where the museum defines the boundary of knowledge via a familiar route, the work endeavors to reshape a play field with objects on site via this route on the boundary. A reappreciation is engaged via objects. Objects are mobilized to return to the intangible venue in flight, mobilizing a point of view that removes constancy. A scene that cannot be reached directly comes into being. Serving as a flight route to vitalizing and sensitizing the reality at the time, a sensible, suspended reality is extended momentarily.